Marriage and partnership have their perks, but it has been shown time and again that being single offers a whole host of benefits.

Here are five standout reasons why being single can be better than being married:

Iron Health

Research has found that single or divorced individuals often experience fewer heart problems. This was a major finding from the study ‘Gender, the Marital Life Course, and Cardiovascular Disease in Late Midlife,’ published in the Journal of Marriage and Family in 2006. The study followed over 9,000 adults for eight years.

You Have More Time

No matter how busy life feels, being single affords you more personal time. When you’re married, hours are spent with your spouse and kids. As a single person, these hours can be dedicated to activities and pursuits that matter to you.

Ultimate Flexibility

In childhood, you followed the rules of your parents and teachers. In marriage, your spouse shares the decision-making responsibilities. Everything from choosing where to live to planning your weekends involves mutual agreements. As a single adult, you enjoy unparalleled freedom and flexibility.

Work on Yourself

Marriage won’t solve personal flaws; instead, it may highlight them. Being single provides the space to address and heal from past hurts and habits. This self-improvement period is invaluable and can help prevent larger issues if you decide to marry later.

Fewer Troubles

The Bible states, “Those who marry will face many troubles in this life, and I want to spare you this.” Marriage has its challenges, and while being single isn’t always easy, it often is simpler.