The 26th of January, 2022, marks the 13th year since the historic birth of octuplets that captured global attention.

On January 26, 2009, an extraordinary event took place in the United States when six boys and two girls were born via cesarean section. This remarkable occurrence quickly made headlines around the world.

Their mother, Nadia Suleman, who was 34 at the time, was not new to parenthood. She already had six other children, all conceived through in vitro fertilization (IVF), bringing her total to an astounding 14 kids without the involvement of a partner.

Nadia revealed that her fertility doctor implanted 12 embryos, which led to her multiple pregnancy. She later claimed she was misled about the procedure. This controversy resulted in the revocation of her doctor’s medical license due to ethical violations and brought about more stringent IVF regulations in the United States.

Nadia, who became famously known as “Octomom,” received a mix of criticism and praise. She has always maintained that her decision to have more children was out of love, not for fame or financial reasons, though she did participate in reality television and other media ventures to support her large family.

Today, Nadia and her family live a modest but stable life. She is an active user of social media, frequently sharing updates about her octuplets and promoting a healthy, vegan lifestyle.

Despite the numerous challenges they have faced, the family continues to exhibit a sense of happiness and unity.