He interpreted his mother’s advice quite literally when she told him to call 911 if he needed help. Now, a young boy is getting quite the applause for his determined problem-solving skills.

Yes, you heard that right! A four-year-old boy named Johnny dialed 911, desperately needing assistance with a problem that left him puzzled.

When the 911 dispatcher answered the call, little Johnny didn’t hesitate and confidently said, “Yeah, I need some help!”

“What’s the matter?” the concerned operator asked.

“With my math,” Johnny replied.

The dispatcher, initially misunderstanding Johnny’s plight, asked where he lived. But Johnny, undeterred, insisted, “No, with my math. I have to do it. Will you help me?”

Patiently, the operator persisted, asking for Johnny’s address, but Johnny seemed more interested in solving his arithmetic woes over the phone.

The dispatcher, wanting to help, said, “No, I can’t do that but I can send someone else to help you.”

You have to admire this kid’s tenacity. Deciding to empathize with Johnny’s mathematical battle, the dispatcher asked, “What kind of math do you have that you need help with?”

Johnny explained he had “take aways,” which the dispatcher quickly realized meant subtractions.

“16 take away 8 is what?” Johnny asked, hoping for some assistance.

Encouraging Johnny to take a wild guess, the dispatcher replied, “How much do you think it is?”

Johnny tentatively answered “1,” which prompted the dispatcher to realize just how young he was, asking Johnny for his age.

Upon hearing Johnny was “only four,” the dispatcher decided to play along a bit more, saying, “What’s another problem? That was a tough one.”

Meanwhile, Johnny’s mom, hearing the conversation, shouted in the background, “Johnny, what are you doing?”


Johnny, unfazed, responded, “The policeman is helping me with my math. You said if I need help to call somebody!”

The operator quickly reassured Johnny’s mom that everything was fine and gently explained to Johnny that 911 is meant for real emergencies, not math help.

The story has been making its rounds online, with many finding Johnny’s literal interpretation of his mom’s advice wildly endearing.

A commenter hilariously noted, “You told me if I need help to call somebody. I didn’t mean the police! Lmao, this is the best line in the video. A 4-year-old using logic against his mom!” Another quipped, “Legend says the boy is still searching for someone to help him with his math.”

One user added, “Imagine having a call like this at such a stressful job. The man’s mood must have been enlightened!! The kid is such a sweetie.”

Of course, 911 dispatchers encounter their fair share of unexpected and downright bizarre calls. From parents dealing with unruly children to complaints about poor haircuts and even UFO sightings, they’ve heard it all.

Take, for example, the man in Jacksonville, Florida, who called 911 twice. The first time was to complain that his sandwich was missing its special sauce. The second call? To gripe that the police were not responding fast enough.

Or the British man who caused a ruckus, mistaking the moon for an unidentified flying object. And let’s not forget the Romanian man, who called 911 over spooky noises in his house, only to discover it was his boisterous pet cat.

Children also make memorable calls. Like the seven-year-old Wisconsin girl who tattled on her grandfather for cheating in a card game. Or the 10-year-old Massachusetts boy who wanted the police to arrest his mom for enforcing bedtime.

While 911 operators are often inundated with serious emergencies, it’s nice to hear about these light-hearted interactions that bring a smile to the dispatchers’ faces.

So, what do you think about this adorable story?