Imagine strolling into a restaurant, dressed to the nines in your finest kimono and overcoat, just wanting a decent meal. That’s exactly what happened to Higashi, a Japanese tourist, one fateful evening. But buckle up, because this isn’t your average dining experience.

Sizzling Steak was buzzing with activity, as usual, during the dinner rush. Louise, the newest member of the waitstaff team, noticed Higashi as he looked around cautiously before choosing a secluded corner table. She approached him with a warm smile, ready to offer top-notch service.

But hey, life isn’t always that kind, and Higashi’s grasp of English was shaky at best. He finally managed to ask for a steak and rice bowl. Louise hesitated but kindly explained that fries were the only starch on the menu today. Higashi, probably hungry enough to eat his own shoes by then, slumped his shoulders and accepted the fries.

Just as Louise was about to clear a half-eaten steak off the counter, Andy sauntered in. This seasoned waiter had a streak of mean-spirited mischief. He stopped Louise, suggesting—or rather, insisting—that she serve the leftover steak to Higashi. Ah, the joy of reheated, second-hand cuisine!

Louise raised an eyebrow, her moral compass spinning. Serving cold food wasn’t just unethical, it was gross. But Andy, relying on Higashi’s limited English skills, fell back on some good old-fashioned manipulation. “He won’t even know the difference,” Andy scoffed.

But Higashi wasn’t born yesterday. He naively questioned the food’s temperature and quality. Enter Andy, stage left, armed with rudeness and racism. Commanding Higashi to either eat up or shut up, Andy effectively shamed Louise into complying. Already embarrassed, Higashi reluctantly picked at his cold steak.

Now, as if this tale couldn’t get any wilder, just wait. Upon noticing the wad of cash in Higashi’s wallet, Andy’s eyes twinkled with greed. Offering Higashi a “better meal to make up for the mix-up,” Andy hatched a plan James Bond himself would admire.

Andy clumsily spilled sake on Higashi’s elegant coat, all in the name of offering to clean it. But, spoiler alert—he was actually lifting cash from Higashi’s pockets. Not exactly Robin Hood, was he?

Louise, feeling more like an accomplice to a heist by the second, knew she had to act. She picked up her phone, translated her apology to Higashi, and sneakily returned the stolen money. But drama loves company, and this restaurant was a hotbed.

In waltzed a police officer, tipped off by Andy’s fabricated story about Louise and Higashi. Andy’s pièce de résistance was a video clip of Louise handling money. Fortunately, Higashi turned out to be a journalist—plot twist! He used his credentials to prove the money was, in fact, his.

The officer, completing this saga, confirmed the real story. Andy’s sorry tale ended with handcuffs and an arrest. As for Louise, honesty truly paid off, but this time in the form of a job offer from Higashi. Grateful for her bravery, he proposed an opportunity in New York, ensuring her future looked as bright as the city lights.

So, next time you think life will let you get away with cold steak and highway robbery, just remember Andy and his grand plans. You might just end up with a far less appetizing dish than you bargained for.