Picture this: a couple engulfed in the icy cold war of silent treatment. Things were not looking rosy in their relationship, and they had resorted to the classic ‘I’m-not-speaking-to-you’ therapy.

Amid this frosty atmosphere, the man suddenly remembered he had an early business trip the next day. Panic mode activated. But ego – oh, the mighty ego – refused to let him break the silence first. Concocting a genius plan, he scribbled on a piece of paper, “Please wake me up at 5 AM.” He strategically planted the note where his wife was sure to find it. Problem solved, right?

Morning rolled in, and our silent warrior woke up feeling rested – too rested, as he glanced at the clock reading 9:00 AM. Horror! The flight was missed, the day was ruined. Fuming with rage, he stormed around, hunting for his wife to demand answers.

And then, he saw it. Another note lying innocently by the bed. It read, “It is 5:00 AM. Wake up.”

Ah, the sweet taste of revenge served cold with a side of smug satisfaction. It’s clear – in the high-stakes game of the silent treatment, our heroine had bested her opponent with finesse.

So, what’s the moral here? Maybe it’s that communication is key, even if it’s through cheeky notes. Or perhaps, it’s best to never underestimate the competitive spirit of your partner, especially when it involves waking up early for a flight. Either way, let’s tip our hats to the lady of the hour and enjoy a hearty laugh at this couple’s silent shenanigans.