This is how you coach basketball. It begins before you even touch the ball, it begins with respect and gratitude that you even have a freedom to play, something that these future NBA stars wouldn’t be able to do if the boys their age didn’t pause their education and fight wars for it.

Singing a national anthem before any big sporting event has become show business. WATCH THE VIDEO BELOW

Now, I don’t mind Lady Gaga singing it, but these kids gotta learn why it’s being performed and why they should respect it. The lesson Virginia Tech basketball coach Buzz Williams gave to his players will make you cry. Awesome coach. Good job.

I mean, can we just take a moment to appreciate the sheer brilliance of what Coach Williams did?

First off, he recognized a problem some of us might overlook: the younger generation’s disconnect with the historical significance and respect due to the national anthem. And then, instead of giving a lengthy lecture, he chose to show them. Because actions, dear readers, always speak louder than words.

So Buzz, in his infinite wisdom, invited a few veterans to join the practice session. Yes, actual war veterans who have put their lives on the line so that we might enjoy our freedoms, like playing and watching basketball games.

The atmosphere in the gym immediately changed. The players saw firsthand the sacrifices these veterans made. It’s one thing to learn about it in history books, but quite another to look in the eyes of someone who has lived through it. Suddenly, the meaning of the national anthem became crystal clear.

And let’s not forget the reactions of the players. Chaos turned into silence, and silences turned into thoughtful reflection. You could almost see their brains working, piecing together the ‘whys’ and the ‘hows.’ Because when you stand next to someone who’s seen the worst parts of war, you can’t help but feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude.

Coach Williams didn’t just teach his boys how to play basketball that day; he taught them how to be respectful young men.

I imagine it was a moment that would be seared into their memories, one they’d think back to every time they hear the national anthem at future games. And no doubt, it instilled a deeper level of appreciation for the freedoms they enjoy as American citizens.

Imagine the conversations those players had on their way home, the discussions with their families and friends. This wasn’t just a lesson for the court; it was a life lesson they could share and spread within their communities.

Awesome coach. Good job.