So, you want to know if your man really loves you, huh? Well, you might think you need a crystal ball, but it turns out, the evidence is right in front of you. Buckle up, because we’re diving into the top five over-the-top, yet undeniably adorable, things that men do only when they’re hopelessly in love.

1. Doors, Doors, Doors

Ah, the classic door-opening maneuver. It might seem old-fashioned, but if your guy is always running ahead to open doors for you, take note. Whether it’s the car door, the restaurant door, or even just the door to your apartment building, he’s saying, “I’ve got you.” He’s not just doing this for show; it’s a genuine expression of his care and affection. Trust me, men who aren’t really into you will let that door swing shut in your face without a second thought.

2. The Grand Introduction Parade

If your man is introducing you to everyone from his best friend to his third cousin twice removed, then girl, you are in luck. This guy isn’t just bringing you around to show you off; he’s welcoming you into his inner circle. To him, his friends and family are an extension of himself, and if he’s making sure you’re a part of that world, it’s because you mean the world to him. You’ve officially become his personal VIP guest.

3. The Forehead Kiss

Forget the lip service, let’s talk about forehead service. Yeah, that’s right. The forehead kiss is the unsung hero of affection. While some may dismiss it as trivial, it carries a boatload of meaning. A man who kisses your forehead is silently but effectively saying, “I respect you, and I’m so incredibly fond of you.” He’s putting your emotions and well-being first. It’s like a secret handshake that says, “You’re mine, and I love you deeply.”

4. Time Over Guys’ Night

Oh, we all know how men can be with their social circles. Watching a game, grabbing a drink—these are sacred rituals. But pay attention if your dude would rather chat about your childhood or future dreams instead of hanging with his buddies. This is monumental. He’s not just physically present; he’s emotionally investing in your shared time. It’s the equivalent of him saying, “You’re more important to me than anything else right now.” Jackpot!

5. Protector Extraordinaire

If you find that he’s always got your back—emotionally, physically, and even financially—you’re dealing with a keeper. Men may not express their love with words as much, but their actions scream from the rooftops. He’s your personal shield, ready to fend off life’s minor (or major) disturbances. He supports you, stands by you, and is always in your corner. That’s the true mark of somebody who’s head over heels in love with you.

So there you have it. Next time you’re wondering if he’s really into you, just look at his actions. They’re more telling than any words. And remember, while grand gestures are fun and exciting, it’s often these small, consistent acts of love that truly show where his heart lies.