Valerie Bertinelli, a well-known actress, recently took to Instagram to talk about her personal struggles with mental health and the concept of “hidden bruises.” In a heartfelt video uploaded on February 12, 2023, Bertinelli shared her experiences while walking and conversing with the camera.

As she walked, there was a noticeable swishing sound from her pants, which she explained was due to a small, hidden bruise. She giggled and mentioned that the sound was caused by her jeans rubbing together.

The reason behind Bertinelli’s avoidance of these specific pants was rooted in past emotional trauma. She revealed that an ex-partner used to mercilessly mock her, stating that if she lost weight and wasn’t lazy, her pants wouldn’t make that noise. This insensitive comment had a lasting impact on her self-esteem.

However, Bertinelli noted that the hidden bruises she spoke of were not physical. Instead, they represented the emotional, verbal, and mental abuse she endured. These bruises are often unrecognized by others because they are not visible on the surface. It takes inner strength and courage to confront and heal these wounds.

Bertinelli expressed her joy at the progress she has made in her healing journey. She proudly shared that, after working on herself, she can now wear those jeans again without feeling weighed down by the past. The swishing sound, once a painful reminder, now symbolizes her freedom and empowerment.

The actress confessed her initial apprehension about sharing the video, fearing judgment and comments telling her to “let go” and “move on.” Nevertheless, she chose to upload it, believing that this act in itself is a way to move forward and heal. She warmly welcomed and connected with others who could relate to hidden bruises, emphasizing that she is part of a larger supportive community.

The positive response in the comments section was overwhelming. One commenter acknowledged that healing is not a linear process but appreciated Bertinelli’s resilience and progress. Another supporter expressed gratitude for Bertinelli’s openness about hidden bruises, as it shed light on this important concept.

To learn more about Bertinelli’s journey to overcome past pain, you can watch the video below. It is an inspiring testament to her strength and resilience. Have you ever experienced hidden bruises? Can you relate to Bertinelli’s story or the swishing sound of her pants? Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments.