When we first dive headfirst into a relationship, it’s all sunshine and rainbows, isn’t it? Love is in the air, and that positive energy can practically be seen from space. Everyone around you can feel it too.

But as time passes, oh boy, people start showing their true colors. That’s when the red flags begin waving like they’re in a parade you didn’t sign up for.

If you’re starting to notice things that make you go, “Hmm, that doesn’t feel right,” don’t worry, we’ve got your back! Here are some glaring signs of disrespectful behavior in a relationship that you should never ignore!

1. Your Partner Ignores Your Boundaries

If your partner steamrolls over your boundaries like they’re on a mission, that’s a big red flag. Imagine this: you’re uncomfortable with public displays of affection, but your significant other still goes in for a big kiss when others are around. That’s a classic case of overstepping boundaries.

2. Your Partner Snoops

Even if you’ve been together since the dawn of time, you’re still entitled to your privacy. Your partner doesn’t have the right to browse through your text messages, emails, or bank statements. It’s just disrespectful, period.

3. Your Partner Flirts with Other People

Flirting with someone else while in a relationship is like walking on thin ice with tap shoes. It’s usually a sign of disrespect and can make you feel embarrassed and awkward.

4. They Don’t Respect Your Opinions

In a healthy relationship, both people understand that it’s okay to have different opinions. If your partner dismisses your thoughts as silly or ignorant, it’s a signal that they don’t view you as an equal. And that’s just not on.

5. They Criticize or Insult You

Negative comments, backhanded compliments, and hurtful criticism have no place in a respectful relationship. Your partner should aim to avoid making harsh remarks, even if they don’t agree with you.

6. They Take You for Granted

A respectful partner will appreciate the little things you do for them. They won’t assume you’re there to make their life easier without so much as a “thank you.” Remember, gratitude never goes out of style!

7. They Compare You to Other People

Healthy relationships are built on appreciating each other’s unique qualities. Comparing you to others only triggers insecurities, and that’s just not fair play.

8. They Make Big Decisions Without Consulting You

Big relationship decisions, like where to live or how to spend significant amounts of money, should be made together. If your partner decides to take charge without your input, it screams, “Your opinion doesn’t matter.”

9. They Are Unfaithful

In a committed, monogamous relationship, cheating is one of the ultimate signs of disrespect. It undermines the very foundation of the commitment you’ve made to each other.

10. They Are Too Close to Their Ex-Partner

While it’s sometimes okay if a partner remains on good terms with an ex, constantly talking or hanging out with them can be a red flag. It can make you feel like your relationship isn’t being respected and that their ex is still too involved in their life.