Always Turn Off Wi-Fi and Bluetooth on Your Smartphone When You Are Sleeping. Here’s Why!

Do you pay attention to your Wi-Fi or Bluetooth settings before you go to sleep? Do you turn them off, or leave them on like most of us possibly do? Now, let’s be honest, who actually remembers to turn off their Wi-Fi before slipping into dreamland?

Well, I’ve got news for you. If you’re leaving your Wi-Fi setting on, you might want to reconsider. According to many experts around the globe, this function should definitely be shut down while you rest. And now you’re probably asking yourself – why on earth should I do that? Here’s the scoop: you’re literally wasting your battery life for no reason, and consequently, reducing the lifespan of your smartphone’s battery. It’s pretty straightforward, really. You’re not going to use your phone while you sleep, right?

We all know that Wi-Fi is amazing, fast, and incredibly useful (where would we be without it, right?). But here’s the catch, numerous experts have examined this and they’ve discovered that it might not be as harmless as it looks. Wi-Fi has been around us since 1997. Over these years, a plethora of studies have delved into this “issue”, and well, they haven’t all come back with the best news.

Wi-Fi can affect our health, and this is even more pronounced in children. Just to throw in a little light reading for you, back in 2008, the renowned publication Scientific American came out with a piece titled “Mind Control by Cell Phone,” which described the potential dangers Wi-Fi could pose to the human brain.

We’ve become so accustomed to being connected at all times, but maybe our bodies need a little bit of internet downtime too. Switching off that Wi-Fi and Bluetooth isn’t just about battery life – it’s about giving your body a break from those persistent signals buzzing around you while you’re in your most vulnerable state – asleep!

Oh, did I mention Bluetooth? Yes, yes I did! Leaving Bluetooth on continuously is another culprit silently draining your precious battery. Unless you’re planning on some sleep-walk Bluetooth calls, it’s best to flick that switch off too!

By now, you should be thinking about sprinting to your phone and turning off those settings for a sound and battery-saving sleep. And not to mention, it’s going to significantly reduce the EMF (Electromagnetic Field) exposure. Less exposure, more sleep quality!

Next time when you’re about to tuck yourself in, just make it a little routine to switch off those settings. Your future self (and phone) will thank you.

Until next time, sleep tight and stay smart!