Texting is that little magic wand in our digital age. It’s quick, pressure-free, and perfect for any message you want to send.

Feel like casually saying “Hi!”? Text away.

Feeling a little mushy? Throw in some hugs and kisses.

But let’s face it, ladies – we often overthink it. Sometimes we text too much or too little, spend ages figuring out the perfect thing to say, and then get miffed when we don’t get the reply we were hoping for.

Don’t worry, though! Men are a tad predictable at times. That’s why we’ve gathered 3 killer tips on how to text men in a way they simply can’t resist. Response guaranteed!

#1. Inject Some Fun – Don’t Be Boring

Yup, don’t be dull. Guys (and gals) get bored at lightning speed. They love a bit of flirting and fun. Instead of a mundane “Hi, how’s it going?”, kick things off with a humorous meme or a witty caption. It screams creativity, makes you stand out, and shows off your fab sense of humor.

#2. Indirect Invitations – Keep It Casual

Avoid the pitfall of direct questions. If you ask him outright to hang out or come over, he might be quick to decline and opt to stay home with his video games. Instead, slide in cool and casual with something like, “We’re having a blast here, you should join us.” No pressure, no time for him to overthink it. It’s sneaky, it’s bait-y, but oh, it works.

#3. Set Your Boundaries – Keep It Classy

Flirting is your friend, but it’s important to also set clear standards. If he’s pushing for a load of your time, let him know you’re not that kind of girl, but a date could be on the cards. He’ll admire your character and respect you more. If he doesn’t? Well, he wasn’t worth your seconds anyway.

There you have it – three simple, yet genius texting secrets to get that man’s attention. Now go forth and text with confidence!