So, you think you have women all figured out? Think again, my friend. Once women hit that golden age of 40, the game changes, and trust me, the rules are different. First, let’s get one thing straight: Women over 40 aren’t interested in the mind games or immature antics that younger men might offer. What they crave is a mature mind, character, and attitude. So, if you’re a man still acting like a frat boy, keep scrolling!

1. Honesty: The Uncompromisable Element

Listen up, everyone! The first thing on the list that a woman over 40 treasures is honesty. And I’m not talking about the ‘tell her she looks good in anything’ kind of honesty. I’m talking about raw, unfiltered truth. She’s done and dusted with fleeting love affairs and melodramatic lies.

These women have seen it all – divorces, loss, raising kids on their own. They won’t tolerate deception or juvenile antics. Tell her you love her, and by heavens, you better mean it. Honesty isn’t just the best policy; it’s the only policy.

2. No More Comparisons

Now, let’s get to the comparison game. You think it’s a good idea to compare her to a younger woman? Think again. A woman over 40 isn’t here to compete with your fantasy of youth. She knows her worth and she won’t put up with being pitted against someone half her age. If you want to keep her, chuck that comparison weapon out of the window.

Comparing her to someone younger can be a red flag waving high and could very well be your ticket out of the relationship. So, love her for who she is, not for who she is not. Got it?

3. Emotional Support: The Backbone of It All

Last but certainly not least, emotional support. Ah yes, gone are the days when a bouquet of roses and a couple of dates were enough. At over 40, women need you to stand by them emotionally. Many of them have faced significant life challenges – divorce, raising kids alone, losing a spouse. They need you like a cornerstone, someone to share the load, not as another burden.

It’s about being there through the ups and downs in careers, relationships, and most importantly, mental health. So, you better be ready to support her in running her errands, cleaning the house, or even making her that perfect cup of tea. It’s these small things that take on monumental importance.

Those who think such simple acts are trivial, here’s news: They aren’t! They show you care and that you’re invested in the relationship. The bonus? She will value you more than you can imagine.

Time to step up your game and be the kind of partner she deserves. Psychologists might call this emotional investment; I call it adulting in relationships.

There you have it, gentlemen. By now, you should have a clearer picture of what women over 40 really want. Following these three life-altering principles might just make you the man of her dreams, but hey, no pressure!