In the twisted world of relationship dynamics, there exists a 24-year-old woman who finds herself in a darkly comical predicament. Her boyfriend insists she vacates their shared bed and retreats to the harsh wilderness of the living room floor at the unholy hour of 4 am. Yes, you read that right. Grab your popcorn, folks, because this tale is a doozy.

The woman took to Reddit seeking advice.

Our heroine of the hour, a young woman in the prime of her life, has managed to get entangled with a 35-year-old night owl who stumbles home at around 4 am after his late-night adventures—excuse me, shifts at work. Upon his grand arrival, he commands her to abandon the cozy comfort of their bed, claiming her mere presence and restless movements are too disturbing for his delicate slumber. Oh, the humanity!

And so, every cursed morning, between the witching hour of 4 am and the more reasonable 6 am, she is exiled from the bedroom. Her crime? Merely wanting to enjoy the warmth and solace of her own bed. Naturally, this led her to wonder if she was the selfish one here, prompting her to seek wisdom from the all-knowing Reddit hive mind.

Let’s put it into perspective. He accuses her of being selfish for daring to share the bed they both presumably paid for. Not only is her comfort cast aside, but she also has to endure his rants about how her presence heats up the room to unbearable levels. Here’s a golden nugget for you: “Our couch isn’t big enough to lay on (it’s technically a love seat) and the floor is way too hard on my body,” she lamented. Can’t you just feel the sarcasm dripping from her words?

For her, however, sleeping in the living room for a few more hours is uncomfortable.

As if being banished to the living room wasn’t delightful enough, she has to contend with brighter lights, thanks to the lack of blackout curtains. Oh, and did I mention they own an air mattress? She could potentially sleep on this beacon of hope, but alas, they share their domicile with a rambunctious cat that would undoubtedly annihilate it. It’s like life’s little comedy sketch, isn’t it?

They even toyed with the notion of buying a couch to ease her nocturnal plight. However, Prince Charming vetoed that idea, claiming she’s the one who wanted it, so it’s her problem. How gallant! This leaves her in the unenviable position of sacrificing her precious sleep, surviving on measly five-to-six-hour stints so he can indulge in luxuriant, uninterrupted eight-hour dreams. Fair? Hardly. Ridiculous? Absolutely.

She seeks advice on how to handle it.

So here she stands, at a crossroads littered with the debris of her patience and frayed nerves, wondering if she holds any cards in this absurdly stacked deck. Is she self-centered for demanding her own comfort and sleep? Should she continue to kowtow to his ludicrous demands, surrendering her well-being for his tranquility? The answer, dear reader, is more glaringly obvious than a neon sign at midnight. She deserves better.

In the grand theater of life, sometimes dark humor and biting sarcasm are the only shields against the absurdity we face. You can almost hear Karen’s voice—sharp, incensed, yet tinged with a paradoxical warmth—proclaiming, “Honey, take your pillow and march right back to that bed. If he can’t handle a bit of movement, tell him to invest in earplugs or hit the couch himself.”