Navigating the complexities of dating can be like threading a needle in a dark room. Each decision matters, and pinpointing the best course of action can feel nearly impossible. In today’s tale, punctuality, or lack thereof, played a pivotal role in a first date gone awry.

The Unfolding Narrative

Allow me to set the scene. I had arranged a first date with a wonderful woman I met through a dating website. We agreed to meet for a delightful cup of coffee at 2 p.m. I arrived on time, full of anticipation for the encounter. At precisely 2:10 p.m., my phone buzzed with a text. It was her, verifying if I had made it to the cafe. I replied affirmatively, only for her to respond that she was still at home but would be on her way shortly and arrive in approximately 20 minutes.

This meant that she waited to confirm my presence before even considering leaving her house. I must admit, I felt a bit slighted by this. I had taken a leap of faith that she would show up, making sure to be there on time. Shouldn’t she have done the same? Am I wrong for feeling this way?

I finished my coffee, still alone, and left the cafe at 2:30. It was now past our agreed-upon meeting time, with no sign of her. At 2:45, my phone chimed again. She wanted to know where I was. I calmly replied that I had left at 2:30 after finishing my coffee when she hadn’t arrived as promised.

The backlash was immediate. She bombarded my phone with furious texts, accusing me of being inconsiderate and doing everything wrong. According to her, I should have informed her before deciding to leave.

This situation left me pondering. Do women genuinely expect men to wait close to an hour for them, especially when the delay seems intentional, designed to make you wait? To me, it felt like a chaotic game or an unnecessary test. Regardless, in my book, she failed. I’d genuinely love to hear women’s perspectives on this matter.