They noticed their freshly adopted pitbull biting from their newborn baby’s bed in the middle of the night. When they looked closer at the baby and realized what the dog had done, they started crying.

Meet the Robinsons, your typical family with a dash of extraordinary. With a 6-year-old son and another baby on the way, the Robinsons traded their cramped apartment for a bigger house in the countryside, ready to set their roots and maybe kickstart that Pinterest-worthy farm life. What do you do when you suddenly have all that space? You adopt a dog, of course!

With stars in their eyes and a whole lot of excitement, they decided to welcome a furry friend from a shelter. Enter Benson, the shy Pit Bull whose life reads like a tragic novel. Poor Benson was a veteran of the ring—a former fighting dog who had seen more than his share of hardship. Abandoned and scared, he had pretty much given up on humans before being rescued by shelter volunteers. But his bad luck didn’t end there—he was briefly adopted by another family before being returned due to his hesitant nature.

Mrs. Robinson, a woman with a heart as vast as their new backyard, decided to give Benson the chance he desperately needed. Slowly but surely, Benson began to adjust, building a special bond with their son Mathias. It seemed like Benson was finally finding his place in the world.

When the baby was born, Benson only showed love and affection.

Our bedtime story turns thriller when, one night, a frantic barking echoed through the baby’s room. Racing to investigate, the Robinsons were greeted by a sight that would have any parent’s heart racing. Benson was biting the crib’s ribs! Their initial shock and horror quickly turned to confusion and then realization—Benson wasn’t attacking; he was rescuing. Their newborn daughter had stopped breathing, and in his own canine way, Benson was trying to alert them.

They rushed their baby girl to the hospital, where doctors confirmed the gravity of the situation. Without Benson’s heroic intervention, they may have lost their precious daughter that night. Thanks to Benson, calamity was averted.

Mrs. Robinson never imagined that Benson would save her child’s life after she had saved him by rescuing him from the shelter. It’s often said that rescue dogs repay their debts in kind, and Benson did just that in the most profound and life-changing way.