1) He pays attention to what’s important to you

Let’s get straight to the heart of the matter: if he’s genuinely invested in the relationship, he’s going to dive into the depths of your life. We’re talking career, hobbies, passions—basically, everything that makes you tick.

Now, a word to the wise: be wary if all he cares about is your appearance, job, or getting you under the sheets. That spells trouble. A guy who’s truly interested will dig deeper.

Expect him to shower you with questions about your job, hobbies, and the causes you hold dear. He might even surprise you by showing up at your work events or putting his money where his heart is by donating to your passions.

2) You are protected by him

Here’s a true knight in shining armor: he’ll be there whenever you’re feeling down or unwell. He’s the kind of guy who wants to see you hale and hearty, so he’ll jump at the chance to be your personal superhero.

Whether it’s cooking you a meal, helping with chores, or taking care of the kids, he’s got it covered. He wants to ensure your well-being, no matter what. How charming is that?

This isn’t just about tasks; it’s about his genuine care and desire to be by your side through thick and thin. This guy’s a keeper for sure.

3) He supports your dreams and goals

This fine gentleman isn’t just a good listener; he’s your biggest cheerleader. He sees your dreams and goals not just as yours, but as worth pursuing together.

Have you always wanted to explore the world? Well, guess what? He’s already mapping out destinations. And when life throws those inevitable curveballs, he’s standing right behind you, ready to pick you up.

A man after a casual fling isn’t going to give a hoot about your dreams. But a guy who’s in it for the long haul will go the extra mile to support you, no matter the circumstances.

4) He does things for you because he cares about you, not because he wants something in return

It’s crystal clear: he’s selfless when it comes to you. His actions scream love, not “What’s in it for me?”

He’s a rare find in this world, showing his affection through genuine care rather than lavishing you with cash.

If you’re with someone who doesn’t check all these boxes, it might be time to do some serious thinking. He makes an effort to notice the little things that bring you joy, ensuring your days are brighter because of it.

5) He makes sure that his words and actions are aligned

Actions speak louder than words, and for this man, both are in perfect harmony. He’s straightforward and makes sure his promises are ones he can keep.

Consistency is key for him, and he’ll call himself out if he ever slips up. You’ll never find him saying one thing and doing another. He’s a man of integrity, through and through.

6) He doesn’t hesitate to express feelings of love or regret

Strong opinions? Check. Unhappy about something? He’ll let you know.

But here’s the kicker: he’s also quick to apologize when he’s in the wrong. This level of emotional honesty showcases his character and proves he’s built for the long haul.

So, if he’s showing these six signs, feel confident he’s more than just a fleeting romance. He’s planning to be around, holding your hand, sharing laughs, and facing whatever life throws your way—all the way to the golden years.