When you really love a guy, you don’t always see what’s happening right in front of you. Love can make us all blind, and you’d be amazed at the red flags you might ignore. Seriously, if you’re even wondering ‘is he using me?’ that’s your first red flag waving in your face.

If something feels off, you’re probably right. Trust that sixth sense — it’s got your back.

We’re all romantics at heart and don’t let this little hiccup deter you from finding true love. You’re going to meet a variety of men: some charming, some not-so-charming. This is just one of those life lessons. Recognize these signs you’re being used by a man and show him the exit.

This way, you’ll feel a small sting rather than a massive heartbreak. Time to protect yourself. Check out these signs:

1. He Doesn’t Show His Emotions

If he’s emotionally distant, then sharing feelings with you is a no-go. While men might hold back emotions generally, those in love do share their feelings sometimes.

2. He’s Only Close to You in Bed

If he’s nice and sweet only when you’re undressed, there’s a problem. It’s as clear as daylight.

3. He’s Still in Touch With His Exes

If he can’t drop his ex to focus on you, then he doesn’t have an emotional connection with you. Simple as that.

4. He Doesn’t Know the Real You

He misses the small things and doesn’t know the deep parts of you that you keep hidden. Sound familiar?

5. You Feel Like a Stranger Around Him

Why would a man disinterested in you bother to learn about your true self? He hasn’t asked because he’s not interested.

6. He Walks Away From Arguments

He finds you convenient and avoids any trouble or arguments. Your relationship’s growth isn’t his concern; he’s all about his peace of mind.

7. He Doesn’t Seem to Care About You

He doesn’t check in if you’re sick or in pain. That’s a clear sign he’s not really caring.

8. He Doesn’t Talk About the Future

You’re just a short-term fling for him. If he’s never mentioned the future, don’t hold your breath. He’s not going there.

9. He Spends More Time with Friends

If he’s always with his friends rather than balancing time with you, he enjoys bro-time more than you-time. It’s not about being together 24/7, but balance is key.

10. He Never Enjoys Moments with You

If he’s not excited during special moments, there’s a lack of emotion. He won’t truly enjoy these times unless he loves you.

11. He Never Introduces You to His Family

If he avoids family introductions, it’s because he doesn’t see you in his long-term plans. To him, it’s just a temporary thing.

12. You Have a Bad Feeling

That gut feeling that something’s off? Trust it. If it feels wrong, it probably is. Listen to your inner voice and dump him.

References: relationshipgoals.me, lovepanky.com