These days, finding and dating the right man has become a serious business – one that requires paying attention to even the little details. This gets even more complicated when you have to be sure that the man you are considering is not a married man.

Moreover, even wedding bands are not enough to identify married men as they rarely even wear them. Because marriage cannot be worn like a badge, we have put together this list of signs to be wary of when it dealing with men.

If your man exhibits two or three of these, it may be an indication that you are “the other woman.”

1. He Will Not Allow You to Know His House

Ah, the classic “hotel meeting” red flag. If he’s always suggesting hotel meetups and becomes a chameleon whenever you ask to see his house, chances are high he’s hiding you from his Mrs. True love means bringing you into his world, and if that world is always hotel rooms… well, connect the dots.

2. He Times Your Calls

Is your prince charming only available during the day but mysteriously busy every evening and night? Honey, single boyfriends chat till their eyelids give up! If he’s ducking your calls with flimsy excuses about being “too tired” or “preferring to chat,” you might want to dig deeper. He could be tucked away with the family he’s not telling you about.

3. He Will Hide His Job from You

When you ask about his job and he starts dancing around the topic or diverting to discussing the latest weather patterns, take note. A man who’s genuinely interested in a future with you won’t be so secretive about his source of income. If he’s playing dodgeball with your questions, consider it another red flag.

4. He Spends Lavishly

A man splurging on luxury items to sweep you off your feet might seem dreamy. But if he’s older, comfortable, and loaded, ask why he’s still unmarried. Single men with a sound income think about future investments, not just showering you with extravagance. If his spending habits seem too good to be true, it’s time to ask yourself why.

5. A Married Man Will Not Attend Any Event with You

If he’s avoiding taking you to events where he might bump into familiar faces but is more than happy to hit night clubs with his shady pals, it’s clear he’s keeping you in the shadows. He’s worried about being caught by his wife and creating elaborate excuses to keep his double life under wraps.

6. He Is Never a Social Media Person

Ever had a man tell you he’s too busy for Facebook or Instagram, and claims to only use WhatsApp? Even on WhatsApp, if his read receipts are off and he avoids social media engagement, warning bells should ring. Married men often use these tactics to hide their secret lives and maintain a low profile.

7. He Is Only Interested in Making Love to You

If your relationship seems to circle mostly around physical intimacy and never around meeting family, discussing a future, or tying the knot, you might be dealing with someone else’s husband. He may be cheating on his wife with you but trust us, he’s not planning on leaving her for you.

8. He Never Talks Commitment

Conversations about the future always end in vague statements like “let’s see how it goes” or “one day at a time”? If commitment seems like a foreign concept to him, and you can tie it with other points mentioned, be alert. You might just be the side dish and not the main course.

Other significant signs to be wary of: