Life is unpredictable, and that’s exactly what the woman in today’s story experienced. She wanted to ensure her daughter had a financial safety net if any unexpected events arose. However, her good intentions were met with a surprising reaction.

The woman took to Reddit to share her story

My daughter has been married to her husband for 3 years, and they recently had their first child. The entire time they’ve been married, she’s been a housewife, and now she’s a stay-at-home mom with no plans to return to work. I think that’s fine and have been supportive. I also know she and her husband both have sizeable life insurance policies, so if one dies, they’ll be okay.

However, she also signed a prenup. Which again, I think is smart. But according to my daughter, she’d get a very small settlement.

And even with child support, there’s a good chance she’d have to return to work. And after being out of the workforce for a bit, who knows if that’ll be a challenge. My main worry is my niece fell into this scenario and even with child support, she struggled.

So, my husband (her father) and I set up a “just in case” account. If she and her husband divorce, she’ll have money to fall back on just in case. If they remain married past the time my husband and I die, it’ll just be added to what she’ll inherit.

I didn’t intend on telling her about it unless it happened, but my husband pointed out that if she was ever in a situation where she wanted to leave but worried she financially couldn’t, it’d be good for her to know she has a Plan B.

So, we told her and she was a little surprised. She said she appreciated it but felt we were “rooting against her.” I said we love her husband and hope they have a long, healthy marriage. We have always been supportive. But this is similar to the prenup. A just-in-case. A last resort.

Well, she told her husband, and he’s pissed at us as well, saying that we don’t trust him. I said it’s looking out for our daughter and really is no different from the prenup. I added that just as he’ll always want to protect his daughter, we’ll always want to protect ours.