Some behaviors might seem innocent individually, but when they come in a combo platter, it’s a flashing neon sign that another woman is trying to swipe your man. Let’s dive into the 7 tell-tale signs of a man stealer …

1. She’s Very Touchy

Picture this: every time your man is around, she’s draped over him like a human coat. Her hands? Everywhere. His face? Clearly uncomfortable. It might be time to pull her aside and let her know that her wandering hands aren’t welcome, and neither you nor your man appreciates her touch-and-go game.

2. She Tries to Get His Attention

Attention, please! Nope, not yours. Only his. She might as well carry a spotlight and a megaphone around because she’s always trying to rope him into admiring her every move. Subtle as a sledgehammer, right?

3. She Talks About Your Man A Lot

Have a new drinking game: take a sip every time she mentions your man. Warning: you’ll be tipsy fast. If she’s gushing about him more than you do, it’s time to ask why she’s developed this sudden verbal fascination.

4. She Constantly Calls Your Man

If her number tops his caller ID more than yours does, consider this a red flag factory. A chinwag here or there is fine, but constant calls? Time to chat with your man about this glaring activity.

5. She Doesn’t Mind Backstabbing Her Friends

Watch her in action with her friends – or should we say, former friends? Loyalty isn’t in her vocabulary, and she takes to backstabbing like a duck to water. Today’s friends, tomorrow’s stepping stones. Beware if she’s got that “win at all costs” attitude.

6. She Doesn’t Care if the Man is Married

Her motto? Wedding ring, what wedding ring? History shows she’s unperturbed by a little thing like marital vows. The phrase “off-limits” doesn’t compute for her. Stir the pot with a married man? Just another Tuesday.

7. She’s Done it Before

History lesson: she’s taken someone else’s man before. In fact, she’s got a portfolio of filched beaus. Surely, past behavior is the best predictor of future actions. Time to reevaluate this so-called friendship; better a friend with a cleaner track record, wouldn’t you say?

These are the 7 unmistakable signs she’s a man-thief. Keep your eyes peeled for these behaviors because, more often than not, it’s not your guy you need to worry about – it’s the woman sizing him up like a prized catch. Do you have any entertaining (if not exasperating) tales of man-stealers trying (and hopefully failing) to make their move?