Relationships can be the best rollercoasters, full of twists and turns, each corner revealing something exhilarating or downright terrifying. Sure, it’s great to hold hands and share an umbrella during those torrential downpours of life, but let’s not forget to stay true to ourselves. If you’re in love, awesome—cue the violins! But hold on to your hat because there are six things you should never sacrifice, no matter how head-over-heels you are.

1. Freedom

You and your partner should respect each other’s space and give them freedom. Think of personal space as a sacred bubble no one should pop. You two are different individuals, and it’s ludicrous to lock away your freedom just because Cupid shot his arrow. Being in a relationship doesn’t mean you should lose your individuality. So, go ahead, binge-watch that show they couldn’t care less about and take that solo trip you’ve been dreaming of. Trust me, absences make the heart grow fonder.

2. Personality

It is crucial to keep your personality and self-identity alive and kicking in a relationship. You and your partner are like two unique snowflakes—don’t melt into one another. Don’t assume being in a relationship means transforming yourself into a carbon copy of your partner. It’s your quirks, habits, and even your oddball hobbies that probably attracted your partner in the first place. Change who you are? No way, José!

3. Dreams

We all have big dreams, whether it’s writing that novel, running a marathon, or living in a treehouse. Some people chase them with all their might, while others let them gather dust. But here’s a non-negotiable: never shelve your dreams because your partner insists. A good partner will not only support your aspirations but will even join your fan club, banner and all. So keep dreaming big and aim for the stars—your relationship should serve as your launching pad, not deadweight.

4. Self-Respect

If respecting yourself isn’t a mantra you already live by, let this be your wake-up call. It’s important to be proud of who you are and maintain your dignity. In a healthy relationship, mutual respect is a cornerstone. If your partner makes you feel unvalued or like the punchline to some cosmic joke, it’s not you—it’s the relationship that’s the problem. Remember, a true partner will treat you like the royalty you are. Keep your chin up, and your crown straight.

5. Happiness

If you’ve noticed you’re more Eeyore than Tigger since starting the relationship, it might be time to reevaluate. A relationship is meant to add sunshine to your life, not thunderstorms. You deserve buckets of happiness, and a fantastic partner will be your biggest cheerleader, dancing through the puddles of life with you. Don’t settle for anything less than bliss, because being happy is not just a state of mind—it should be your default setting.

6. People Around You

Before jumping into a relationship, you had an entourage—your family, friends, colleagues, and even that chatty neighbor who borrows your lawnmower. If your partner suddenly turns into the Grinch whenever you want to hang out with your crew, take note. Jealousy or possessiveness isn’t cute; it’s toxic. An outstanding partner will blend into your social circle, not shatter it. If you find the green-eyed monster lurking in your relationship, it might be time to pack your emotional bags and say goodbye.

In conclusion, love is fantastic, but it shouldn’t be a prison. Keep these six things close to your heart, and you’ll be on the path to a healthier, happier you, and a love that feels just right.