Men, just like us, have their own set of magic words that light up their world. Sadly, they don’t hear them nearly as often as they should. Whether it’s compliments, heartfelt comments, or even simple observations, what you say to your man can make a huge difference. Here are some expressions that are guaranteed to melt his heart and make him feel special every single day.

1. “I’m So Lucky To Have You”

Telling your guy that you feel lucky to have him is like giving him a virtual hug. It shows that you notice and appreciate him, and it’s not just because he lets you have the last slice of pizza. When you let him know you feel fortunate to have found each other, it warms his heart in no time.

2. “You are handsome”

Calling your man handsome is an instant ego boost. Hearing it from the woman he loves makes it even more special. Acknowledge his looks and let him know that the physical attraction is alive and kicking. It’s just like when he tells you that his heart races every time he sees you in that little black dress.

3. “I’m So Proud Of You”

Life gets tough, and sometimes your man might feel like he’s just barely keeping it together. Telling him you’re proud of his efforts will not only lighten his load but have him grinning from ear to ear. Your words of encouragement can be the extra push he needs to keep going and feel like a hero in your eyes.

Everyone hits low points where giving up seems tempting. Letting him know you’re proud of his achievements—even just the effort he’s putting in—gives him a shot of pure positivity and validation.

4. “You make me happy”

This simple phrase can make your man feel respected, wanted, and deeply loved. Recognizing that he does things to make you happy reassures him that he’s the one bringing joy into your life.

5. “You’re A Great Man/Husband/Boyfriend/Father”

Every guy loves to hear that he’s not just good but great at whatever role he plays in your life. These words acknowledge the sacrifices he’s made, whether they’re about time, money, or effort. Letting him know you see and appreciate his sacrifices reinforces the bond between you.

Whether he is your boyfriend, fiancé, husband, or the father of your kids, telling him he’s amazing at what he does strengthens the relationship. It fuels his desire to keep going through the tough times because he knows what you have is worth it.

6. “I’m On Your Side.”

During tough times, everyone needs to know they have someone in their corner. Telling your man that you’re on his side works wonders. Loyalty is a cornerstone of any strong relationship, and when you vocalize your support, it elevates the level of security and intimacy you both feel.

There’s immense comfort in knowing that your partner has your back, especially when the world feels against you. Communicating this to your man can alleviate pressure and make him feel that together, you can conquer anything.