Let’s face it, folks—fans are our summer saviors. They keep us cool, comfortable, and downright sane when the heatwave strikes. But oh, the dust! By the end of the season, your beloved fan isn’t just cooling the room; it’s spreading dust bunnies everywhere. Well, fear not! Here’s a secret trick to clean your fan without the headache of taking it apart. Yes, you heard me right, no disassembling required.

What You Need to Prepare

– half a basin of water
– washing powder
– fabric softener
– white vinegar
– water
– plastic bag


Ready to become a cleaning wizard? Follow these simple steps and say goodbye to the dusty mess:

– Step 1: Take a solution of water + washing powder and spray it on the electric fan’s grille. Use a cleaning brush to clean the fan grille.
– Step 2: Spray the homemade solution (vinegar + fabric softener) on the blades of the electric fan to allow the water to penetrate the dust.
– Step 3: Prepare a plastic bag to place on the electric fan. Press the switch and let the fan run to suck up the dust and come off on its own.

Why These Ingredients?

Curious why we chose this specific cast of characters? Here’s the lowdown:

– Washing powder has the effect of cleaning and disinfecting.
– White vinegar can not only disinfect but can also moisten and clean dirt on fans.

So there you have it. A spick-and-span fan without the hassle of taking it apart. Spread this hack among your friends and family, and bask in the joy of clean, cool air. Happy cleaning!