Here are 7 Easy Ways to Tell Your Deceased Loved Ones are Reaching Out to You

1. Dreams

Having dreams of your beloved is special, because you may have many memories of them. If you’re able to recall your dreams upon waking, jot down the details that you can remember in a notebook.

What meaning can you gather from the details of the dream? Is there a message that your beloved is trying to send you while you’re unconscious?

After demise, communication can also be experienced as an out-of-body experience, whether you’re asleep, awake, or meditating. These may appear very vivid, and your beloved may seem to glow with light. Sometimes this is like lucid dreaming, when you’re aware that you’re dreaming and can control what happens in the dream.

2. Random Thoughts

When your thoughts all of a sudden shift from one subject to your beloved, that could be a sign that they’re reaching out. The fact that your thoughts are about your beloved is significant.

Embrace the thought as you would your beloved, and relive the memory of them. It is natural to experience emotions along with the thoughts.

3. Unusual Occurrences

When something moves on its own when no one was near it, this seemingly unexplained movement could be attributed to your deceased loved one. If you place the item back again and it moves again without explanation, you may be more sure of it.

Lights flickering, the telephone ringing, or animals behaving strangely can all be signs that your beloved is communicating in whatever way they can. Your loved one is making their presence known by getting your attention.

4. Physical Reminders

An object that reminds you of a uniquely special moment between you and your beloved is revealed to you. For example, you see a black feather lying across your path as you walk down the sidewalk, which reminds you of the time that you and your deceased loved one both watched The Crow in your pajamas on Halloween.

This type of special physical object which holds meaning for you might easily be interpreted by anyone else as a coincidence. The fact that it happened to you, and it brought to mind your beloved, indicates that they’re reaching out to you. Otherwise, it would have reminded you of how you always liked “The Raven” by Edgar Allan Poe.

5. Sensations

Physical sensations in your body such as tingling, the hairs on your skin standing up, or feeling a breeze when there was none, can all be signs of a departed loved one contacting you. Or you may smell a well-recognized scent that reminds you of your beloved.

6. Hallucinations

Seeing things that aren’t there can be scary, since we normally associate this with mental illness. If you’ve had a vision of something that no one else saw, it’s possible that it’s the presence of your beloved trying to connect with you.

Rather than feeling fear, take a moment to close your eyes and remember what you saw. Then pay attention to your body and any physical sensations. Are there any scents, sounds, or sensations of touch that you feel that also remind you of your beloved?

Open your eyes again and speak their name aloud while focusing again on all your senses.

Sometimes people report hearing a voice when no one was there. Again, this could be a sign to you. Did you recognize the voice? Try to answer aloud and see if your beloved can speak with you.

7. Coincidences

An increase in connections that seem to happen by chance is a sign that your beloved is reassuring you that they’re looking out for you. This synchronicity in your life could be led to by your beloved acting on your behalf.

It is natural to feel fear when we experience signs from the spirit of a deceased loved one. Your loved one will continue to love you even beyond demise, so respond with love in mind, rather than fear.

Keep an open mind and remember that this isn’t the ghost of an unknown person; this is your friend or relative reaching out to you.

Although many people have claimed to communicate with the dead, most remain skeptical. There are psychics or mediums (also called channelers) that you can contact if you wish to try to reach out to your beloved, but be wary of scam artists who will only tell you what you want to hear.