Have you ever tried to make your suitcase stand out by tying a colorful ribbon to its handle? Well, buckle up, because we’ve got some news for you that might make you rethink that decoration strategy!

We all want our luggage to stand out, especially when we’re at the bustling airport, trying to spot our bag amongst a sea of identical cases. Many of us adorn our suitcases with ribbons, name tags, and quirky stickers in a bid to avoid someone else accidentally picking up our precious belongings.

But according to John, a baggage handler at Dublin Airport, these well-meaning decorations can cause more trouble than they’re worth.

First, let’s acknowledge the need for personal touches on our bags. After all, there’s nothing worse than arriving at your dream destination only to discover that your suitcase is still at the airport, playing hide and seek among the other luggage. Some folks even go to the lengths of strapping a GoPro to their luggage to track its journey!

But before you start bedazzling your suitcase, consider John’s advice. Tying ribbons on your suitcase handles might make spotting your luggage easier, but it also poses a potential risk. Here’s what John had to say:

“Ribbons people tie onto their suitcases to help identify them can cause issues with the bag being scanned in the baggage hall. If the bag can’t be scanned automatically it can end up in manual processing, which could mean your bag doesn’t make it to the flight,” he explained.

Imagine that: your suitcase, adorned with a lovely ribbon, might end up missing the flight entirely because the scanner couldn’t read it properly. Not exactly worth the risk, is it?

John also suggests removing any old stickers from your bag. These can confuse the scanning process, leading to delays or misplacement of your luggage. We know those travel stickers are sentimental, but maybe it’s time to let them go for the sake of a smoother journey.

Another handy tip from John: place your suitcase wheels facing up. This simple trick can help prevent damage to the wheels, ensuring your suitcase doesn’t wobble its way into trouble.

But here’s the kicker, especially for those with a sweet tooth or a love for baking – never pack Marzipan in your luggage. Why? John says that Marzipan, made from ground almonds, sugar, and egg, shares the same density as some explosives. Yes, you read that right. This could lead to a thorough search of both you and your bag, possibly making you miss your flight altogether.

Picture it: your suitcase getting swabbed and tested just because of a bit of almond paste. Missing a holiday over Marzipan just isn’t worth it!

So, here’s the takeaway: while it might seem like a good idea to tie a ribbon or add personal touches to your suitcase, it’s probably best to refrain. The same goes for packing dense food items like Marzipan. Stick to these tips, and you’re more likely to have a smooth, stress-free trip.

Happy travels, and leave those ribbons at home!