Ever feel like you’re living in a romantic comedy, except the comedy part is missing, and no one seems to find it funny? If your significant other is constantly tearing you down and causing you to dwell on the negatives, it’s time to rewrite that script.

No one deserves to be taken advantage of, overrated, or trampled over. Let’s be real—you deserve the best in a relationship. If you spot any of these six warning signs, consider it your cue to exit stage left… and fast!

1. Unequal Blame Game

If your partner loves playing blame games—but spoiler alert, you’re always ‘it’—it’s not just bad sportsmanship, it’s a major red flag. Relationship woes are a team effort, so never allow them to load all the responsibility on your shoulders. You’re not their personal scapegoat.

2. Center Stage — All About Their Needs

Does your partner even know how your day went, or if you cried because you stubbed your toe, or felt like throwing your computer out the window? If they’re always the star of the show and never cast you in any leading role, watch out. No one should have to play second fiddle in a relationship forever.

3. You’re Putting in Overtime

Ever feel like you’re carrying the relationship on your back like a real-life Atlas? If your investment—in terms of money, time, and effort—always tips the scales heavier on your side, it’s a problem. Relationships are a two-way street, darling. If your partner doesn’t meet you halfway, it might be time to take the next exit ramp.

4. They Skip the Small Stuff

Look, if they don’t remember the tiny things that make you smile, like how much you love that one specific cookie or your favorite Netflix show, it speaks volumes. These small acts of thoughtfulness are love’s secret ingredients. Missing those? Well, they might not be as invested in your happiness as you hope.

5. Playing the Emotional ʙʟᴀᴄᴋᴍᴀɪʟ Card

Nothing says ‘toxic’ like emotional ʙʟᴀᴄᴋᴍᴀɪʟ. If they’re all about the, “I can’t live without you” or “I thought you were different” vibes, trust me, it’s emotional manipulation. Those passive-aggressive comments can snowball into something nastier. Here’s where a rescue mission for yourself becomes necessary.

6. Dodgy with the Truth

If they dodge serious topics like they’re in a game of dodgeball, that’s a red flag with fireworks. A solid relationship is a fortress built on honest communication. If they keep hitting you with half-truths or avoid crucial conversations, it’s time to confront them. Either you both get real or you take off to find someone who values transparency.

At the end of the day, relationships should elevate you, not drag you through the mud. If any of these points hit too close to home, it’s time to think about what you really deserve. Spoiler alert: It’s way better than playing the victim in a one-sided relationship.