Finding the courage to tell your bae that you stuck your tongue down someone else’s throat is never an easy thing to do.

You may try hard to hold on to that secret for a long time, but somehow, in some way, it’ll slip. Perhaps someone will tell him before you get the chance to. Or perhaps you tell him by accident, sending him a text that should have gone to your side guy.

Either way, coming clean about jumping into another guy’s bed is something that might make you feel a whole lot lighter and sure of what you want in the future — whether that’s to stay with your current guy or break up and start fresh.

Check out how these six women confessed they were cheating to their partners:

1. There was wine.

— Liana P., 28

2. I wrote a note.

— Yen S., 28

3. It happened at couples therapy.

— Terri F., 35

4. He asked me.

— Cassie Z., 20

5. It happened by accident.

— Lacey S., 34

6. I did it after our divorce.

— Vivian S., 39

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