It’s autumn, the season when change is in the air, and you’ve just experienced a heart-wrenching breakup. The partner you once envisioned a future with has turned out to be a major letdown. But now it’s time for a new chapter — one dedicated to self-love. By focusing on yourself, you’ll not only heal but also leave your ex astounded by your transformation.

Here are four empowering self-love practices to get you started:

Put the HOTTT into Hot Yoga

Yoga has long been associated with healing after a breakup, but hot yoga can take it to a whole new level. When you were with your ex, you might have struggled with flexibility. Now, you’ll not only improve your physical well-being but also expand your social circle by making new friends in your hot yoga classes. With each session, you’ll feel stronger and more in control of your life.


Words have power. Start each day with positive affirmations that reinforce your self-worth. Look in the mirror, light a calming candle, and visualize yourself enveloped in a light of self-compassion. Repeat affirmations like, “I am worthy of love and happiness.” Over time, these positive statements will reshape your thinking and boost your confidence.

Get a Dog Who is Cuter Than Your Ex’s Dog

Pets have an incredible ability to bring joy and companionship into our lives. Consider adopting a dog that fills your heart with love and happiness. Make new memories with your furry friend, and let this companionship remind you of your capacity to give and receive love. Plus, sharing adorable pictures of your new pet can be a delightful way to showcase your newfound happiness.

Take a Trip

Instead of dwelling on missed plans with your ex, why not embark on a solo adventure? Use any saved-up travel points for a refreshing getaway. Whether it’s a sunny beach vacation or a peaceful retreat in the mountains, traveling can be a wonderful opportunity to reconnect with yourself. Capture beautiful moments and create lasting memories that signify your strength and independence.

Remember, self-love is a journey. By embracing these practices, you’ll not only heal but also emerge stronger and more confident. Focus on the positive changes in your life, and let your personal growth shine through.