Have you ever wondered about how a man thinks? We sure have! And even though we can’t answer that question entirely, we CAN tell you about a few things that men notice about women (and we don’t always realize it!). Here are a few things that men really notice in you no matter how old you are.

1. Eyes

Eyes are the portal to the soul. When men notice the eyes of a woman, they want to dive deep into her essence. It’s like peering through a window and getting a sneak peek into who she really is. Those sparkling orbs? They’re more than just pretty—they’re intriguing!

2. Lips

Lips have enchanted men for ages. There’s something about the curve, the pout, and even the color that drives them wild. But here’s a sassy tidbit: if a man is only noticing your lips and seems focused on them, he might be more interested in a temporary fling rather than a deep connection. Wink!

3. Hair

Ah, the crowning glory! Men have a thing for hair, whether it’s a chic bob, a cascade of waves, or a quirky pixie cut. If it suits you and you rock it confidently, he’ll be smitten. Remember, it’s all about wearing your mane like a queen, and he’ll be ready to follow you anywhere.

4. Manner of walking

Strut your stuff, ladies! How you walk speaks volumes—like, seriously, volumes. If you’re walking with confidence, purpose, and a touch of sass, men take note. Forget slouching and trudging along; a fierce walk exudes independence and passion that captivates him every time.

5. Voice

There’s a reason men go gaga over female singers. A melodious voice can be utterly mesmerizing. While every voice is unique—some shrill, some deep—it’s the charm and character behind it that matters. And let’s be clear: no man’s opinion defines your worth.

6. Your Bust

Alright, let’s be real. Unless you’re rocking a turtleneck, men will notice the bust. It’s hardwired into their system! Think of it as the biological GPS that zeroes in whether they mean to or not.

7. Your Butt

Oh, and don’t forget the exit view! Whether they’re more of a bust or butt guy, he’s going to sneak a glance when you walk away. It’s just one of those things they’re naturally inclined to notice. Stand tall, leave with grace, and know he’s enchanted.