The Math Puzzle: A Brainteaser in Disguise

Let’s take a stroll down memory lane to our high school days when math puzzles were both a challenge and a delight. Simple addition may still look like child’s play, but when you start arranging equations strategically, they transform into fun and tricky puzzles. And adding a logical twist to them makes them even more engaging!

The Challenge

Here’s a math puzzle designed to test those old problem-solving muscles. Look at the puzzle below, and notice the time before you begin. How quickly can you solve it?

Solving the Equation

Take a few moments to think it through. Write down your answer without sneaking a peek at the solution which follows. Once you’re done, note how quickly you solved it. Ready?

The Benefits of Brainteasers

Brainteasers like this one are wonderful for keeping our minds sharp. They involve both wit and speed, offering a satisfying mental workout. Plus, they offer a delightful break from daily routines!

The Solution Unveiled

Alright, here’s the breakdown of the puzzle: 7(7-2×3) =?


If you got the right answer, bravo! You’ve successfully tackled this math challenge. Why not share this brainteaser with friends and family to see if they’re up for the test? Keep the puzzling fun going!