In a determined effort to strengthen the border near San Diego, a dedicated group of veterans, known as the “Border Sentinels,” has taken proactive steps to enhance the security by deploying concertina wire along critical areas of the barrier. Their mission: to address the challenges of illegal migration at our southern border.

This group of steadfast veterans is taking action to protect our nation’s borders, venturing into tough terrains to set up these barriers. Among their ranks in a recent mission was Marine Corps veteran Kate Monroe, who is also running for a congressional seat against Democratic incumbent Mike Levin in California’s 49th district. Monroe worked directly with the Border Sentinels to reinforce the border’s defenses.

Monroe shared her involvement on social media, stating, “I’ve reinforced our borders once again. Joined by 11 fellow patriots from the ‘Border Sentinels,’ we’ve secured nearly 1,000 feet of razor wire, ensuring this gap is sealed.”

Her frontline experience highlights her dedication to national security. Monroe criticized the lack of action from government officials and stressed the need for leaders who focus on real-world solutions instead of just talking. She emphasized, “While others merely talk, we act. It’s crucial to elect leaders who are committed to protecting our borders.”

Reflecting on her military service, Monroe expressed her disappointment over the necessity for civilian intervention. She said, “I’ve risked my life defending our nation once, and I’m ready to do it again. It’s disheartening to see others lacking the courage to take a stand.”

Regarding the legality of their actions, Monroe remained resolute. In an interview with NewsNation, she stated, “We won’t be deterred. Each moment we prevent illegal crossings, we are defending our homeland.”

The public has had mixed reactions to Monroe’s stance, with many expressing gratitude for her proactive measures, while others urged caution due to potential legal consequences.

As the Border Sentinels persist in their efforts to uphold law and order along the San Diego border, their unwavering commitment shines as a testament to the dedication of those who value the integrity of our national boundaries.