Dogs are remarkably sweet and protective creatures, often stepping up instinctively to nurture other animals in need. One heartwarming example is a golden retriever who became so cherished by a litter of newborns, they believed he was their mom.

Bailey, a golden retriever, has become something of an internet sensation. His YouTube channel has amassed over 81 million views since it was launched in 2018. However, one of the most touching chapters in his story began earlier this year, with the arrival of rabbits Sam and Charlotte into his home.

The companionship between Bailey and the rabbits was immediate. He particularly enjoyed using them as pillows, a favor they seemed quite happy to return. The animals’ owner, Taras, mentioned that the rabbits were rescue animals, given a new chance at life away from less savory conditions.

The family soon expanded when Charlotte gave birth to her own little bunnies. Naturally, Bailey was right there, providing comfort and warmth.

“Bailey has looked after them from the day they were born,” explained Taras. When the bunnies first started exploring their surroundings, Bailey’s reactions were priceless, oscillating from mild confusion to serene guardian. This particular scene captured the hearts of millions, becoming one of his most viewed videos.

Since then, Bailey has assumed the role of their gentle protector, his presence a calming and safe influence on the bunnies. And though it’s unconventional for a male dog to be seen as a maternal figure, Bailey’s kindness and love make this extraordinary relationship seem as natural as any other.

An additional video titled “Cute Baby Bunnies think the Golden Retriever is their Mother” has also gone viral, approaching nine million views, proving the universal appeal of this unique animal bond.

Beneath the unlikely scenario lies a tender truth about love’s power to cross species boundaries—a powerful reminder of the connection potential residing in the heart of every being, regardless of their origins.