Imagine a vegetable that’s not only versatile in the kitchen but also has a name that piques curiosity. Yes, we’re talking about the eggplant, a delightful ingredient whether grilled, baked, or added to a savory dish. Despite its popularity, many of us might not have stopped to ponder why it’s called an “eggplant,” especially when it looks nothing like an egg.

Thanks to a viral photo from Reddit, the name ‘eggplant’ suddenly makes a lot of sense when you see them in their early stages, resembling actual eggs. This revelation leads us to explore more about this peculiar vegetable, such as the distinctions between white and purple varieties.

White eggplants, often referred to as white aubergines, sport a creamy hue contrasting with the more familiar deep purple. This variety isn’t just about looks; it can significantly influence your culinary experiments.

Regardless of color, raw eggplants can have a slightly bitter taste and spongy texture. It’s how you cook them that brings out their true potential, making them an excellent base for various flavors. However, they do require a bit of care to avoid turning too mushy.

After spotting this white looking fruit she was stunned when she realized what it really was. Check the comments ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿป

For those new to white eggplants, they’re known for a