This time last year, Patches, a shelter cat, captured headlines with his enormous size. Weighing a staggering 40 pounds, he was dubbed “the largest cat anyone has ever seen.” But Patches’s weight was taking a toll on his wellbeing, prompting a much-needed transformation. Let’s find out how he’s doing today!

Patches, who first made waves on April 19, 2023, at Richmond Animal Care and Control, weighed an impressive 40.3 pounds. When first surrendered, he tipped the scales at 42 pounds, just a few pounds shy of the all-time record. The shelter jokingly adored his “gloriously gluttonous body,” and Patches received an outpouring of love and attention online.

However, it was evident that Patches needed to shed some pounds to improve his health. The shelter implemented a specialized diet and exercise plan for him and found an owner, Kay Ford, who was committed to continuing Patches’s fitness journey.

Over the past year, Patches has been hard at work shedding those excess pounds. Ford has been diligently updating Patches’s fans on his progress through a Facebook page called “Patches’ Journey.” The updates include weekly weigh-ins, revealing Patches’s continuous weight loss.

Ford explains how she believed in sharing Patches’s journey with everyone, saying, “They want to know what’s going on, so let’s let them be a part of it.” These Wednesday updates have become a highly anticipated event, marking Patches’s progress.

In the most recent weigh-in, Patches tipped the scales at 25.47 pounds—an incredible accomplishment. Ford proudly exclaims, “He’s lost a whole cat! It’s amazing, and he’s been a real trooper through it all.”

For other cat owners looking to help their furry friends lose weight, Ford offers valuable advice. She recommends maintaining regular meals rather than “free feeding,” paying close attention to the calories and nutrition in cat food, and collaborating with a veterinarian for a specialized weight loss plan.

Recent photos of Patches reveal that while he may still be pleasantly plump, he is no longer the seriously obese cat he once was. “He is now clearly happier, more mobile, and playful,” writes Ford on Facebook.

We are delighted to see Patches’s successful weight loss journey and the unwavering love and support he receives from his owner. Please share this heartwarming update on Patches’s story to spread the joy!