Imagine a world where shoes can help blind individuals avoid obstacles while walking. Well, thanks to a revolutionary shoe called InnoMake, developed by Austrian computer scientists, this is now a reality. The shoe, created through a collaboration between Tec-Innovation, an Austrian company, and Graz University of Technology, is priced at $3,000+.

So, how does InnoMake work? Each shoe is equipped with a waterproof ultrasonic sensor on the toe, which can detect obstacles up to 13 feet away. As the wearer approaches an object, they are alerted through vibrations and sounds, similar to the parking sensors found in vehicles. It’s like having your own personal guide, keeping you safe and aware of your surroundings.

But what sets InnoMake apart is its ability to not only detect obstacles but also identify their nature. Whether it’s a wall, a car, or a set of stairs, InnoMake can differentiate between them and provide customized alerts. This level of detail and accuracy is truly impressive.

Markus Raffer, a visually impaired co-founder of Tec-Innovation, can attest to the effectiveness of InnoMake: “This works very well and is already a great help to me personally.” These shoes have the power to transform the lives of visually impaired individuals, giving them a newfound sense of independence and safety.

But the innovation doesn’t stop there. Tec-Innovation has plans to enhance InnoMake’s design further by incorporating camera-based recognition and machine learning. This would take navigation assistance to the next level. Imagine having a “street view navigation map” right at your feet, guiding you every step of the way.

Friedrich Fraundorfer at TU Graz explained, “They use camera images from the foot perspective to determine an area that is free of obstacles and thus safe to walk on, and they can recognize and distinguish objects.” With these advancements in technology, InnoMake will continue to evolve and provide even better navigation assistance.

InnoMake is more than just a pair of shoes; it’s a game-changer for the visually impaired. It empowers individuals to navigate their surroundings with greater independence and safety. With each step, InnoMake is making the world a more inclusive place for everyone.