Henry Winkler, a renowned actor, struggled with dyslexia throughout his life. He faced harsh punishment from his parents and endured constant putdowns and name-calling, which deeply affected his confidence.

He didn't read a book until he was 31, then a diagnosis led him to inspire kids with similar struggles

Little did he know, there was a reason for his struggles. In his later years, Winkler used his diagnosis to inspire others, especially children facing similar challenges.

Henry Winkler

Winkler’s journey to success was far from easy. Despite his hard work and dedication, he faced numerous obstacles. His parents, who valued education, had high expectations for him. However, they often labeled him as lazy and stupid, believing he was not living up to his potential. Winkler, on the other hand, knew he was trying his best.

Winkler faced immense difficulties in school, which not only led to punishment but also prevented him from participating in school activities. Grounded for most of his high school years, he was expected to overcome his “laziness” by sitting at his desk for weeks at a time. However, his struggles persisted.

Henry Winkler

Despite these challenges, Winkler did not let his dyslexia hold him back. He graduated from Yale University with a Master of Fine Arts but still faced difficulties when it came to reading scripts. Improvisation became his coping mechanism, and he would often memorize parts of the script and make up the rest with conviction. Although he stumbled during table reads for his iconic role as “Fonzie” in Happy Days, his remarkable talent and dedication shone through.

Reading Scripts

It wasn’t until Winkler’s stepson was tested for a learning disability that he considered his own struggles with dyslexia. At the age of 31, he finally realized the source of his difficulties. Reflecting on this realization, he said, “I didn’t read a book until I was 31 years old when I was diagnosed with dyslexia. Books terrified me. They made me nervous.”

Henry Winkler

From Frustration to Inspiration

Initially, Winkler felt anger upon discovering the cause of his reading struggles. He was frustrated because all the arguments with his parents and the punishments he endured seemed insignificant now. However, he channeled that anger into a positive force and decided to use his diagnosis to inspire others, particularly children. He wrote a children’s book series featuring a character named Hank, an elementary school student with dyslexia.

The Hank Zipzer series has resonated with many children facing learning challenges. Winkler makes a point to personally respond to letters from his young readers, always emphasizing, “Your learning challenge will not stop you from meeting your dreams. Only you will stop yourself from meeting your dreams.”

Hank Zipzer Books

Despite still facing his own learning challenges, Winkler has achieved remarkable success. He has won numerous awards for his Hollywood career, written several books, and is set to release his memoir in 2024. Through it all, he remains humble and states that his proudest moments, second only to his family, are the books he has written.

Henry Winkler’s journey from being constantly put down by his parents to later discovering and overcoming his dyslexia is truly inspirational. His determination and resilience serve as a beacon of hope for others facing similar struggles. He has shown that with perseverance and self-belief, it is possible to overcome any obstacle and make a positive impact on the world.