Do you find yourself cracking eggs for your favorite dishes? Well, don’t be too quick to toss away those eggshells! They actually have a variety of amazing benefits for your garden. Check out these 7 reasons why you should start saving those eggshells.

Have pests like slugs, worms, or snails been munching on your beautiful flowers? Don’t worry, eggshells can come to the rescue! Simply scatter some eggshells around the base of your plants. These critters can’t stand the texture of eggshells, so they’ll keep their distance.

Living near a woodland area often means dealing with hungry deer who like to feast on your plants. But you can protect your garden by sprinkling some eggshells around your plants. Believe it or not, deer can’t stand the smell of eggshells!

Having birds in your garden is a delight because they help control unwanted pests. And here’s a little secret—they absolutely love eating eggshells! Sprinkle some around your garden and watch as the birds flock in.

Eggshells are not only a great source of calcium, but they also contain other essential nutrients. By adding crushed eggshells to your soil, you can improve its health and provide your plants with the nutrients they need to thrive.

Certain veggies like tomatoes, eggplants, and peppers can be prone to rotting due to calcium deficiencies. To keep your veggies healthy and vibrant, bury some crushed eggshells beneath the soil around your plants. They’ll thank you for the added calcium boost!

Is your soil too acidic for certain plants? Don’t worry, eggshells can help! Burying some crushed eggshells in the soil around these plants can help balance the pH levels and create an optimal environment for their growth.

Instead of tossing those eggshells in the trash, why not put them to good use in your compost pile or bin? Crushed eggshells are a fantastic addition to compost, contributing valuable nutrients to the mix. Say goodbye to wasting eggshells and hello to an eco-friendly garden!

So, next time you crack open an egg, remember the many benefits its shell can bring to your garden. Whether it’s repelling pests, nourishing your soil, or attracting beautiful birds, eggshells are a valuable resource for any gardener. Happy gardening!