An anonymous woman has sparked a discussion on Reddit by sharing her frustration about her husband’s refusal to clean up after dinner. Despite being the one who cooks for the family, she ends up with all the dishes to clean, while her husband and son simply rinse their plates and place them in the dishwasher.

In her post, the woman explains that she doesn’t make excessively messy meals, but there are still a few pots, pans, utensils, and a cutting board to clean up afterward. When she confronted her husband about it, he argued that since she made the mess, she should clean it up herself. Frustrated, she didn’t bring it up again.

The following night, she decided to change her approach. She made dinner only for herself and her son, intentionally leaving her husband out. When he questioned the absence of his meal, she explained that if he wasn’t willing to do his part in cleaning up after their shared meals, then he could handle his own food from now on.

The woman clarifies that she is not a stay-at-home parent; both she and her husband work full-time. However, she manages the majority of the household and childcare responsibilities, while her husband’s job is manual labor and hers is a desk job.

Fellow Reddit users swiftly came to the woman’s defense, emphasizing that if she cooks, her husband should contribute by cleaning up. They also suggested that she should stop doing other tasks that involve her husband, such as his laundry or making his side of the bed.

In relationships, it is important to find a fair division of labor that works for both partners. Communication and compromise are key to maintaining a healthy and balanced household.