It’s Just a Cough, Right?

It’s wintertime, and we all know that’s prime season for catching a cold or flu. But what happens when a simple cough doesn’t go away? That’s the story of Shayla Mitchell, a brave 16-year-old girl who experienced something far more sinister than she could have ever imagined.

A Persistent Cough Leads to a Life-Changing Diagnosis

Shayla’s cough persisted, and she started feeling unwell. Initially, she thought it was just sinusitis. However, when her symptoms worsened, she turned to her dad, Tom, for help. Without hesitation, he took her to the hospital, thinking it would be a routine visit.

Devastating News and Unwavering Support

The news they received was heartbreaking. Shayla had an enormous cancerous tumor taking up almost two-thirds of her breasts. The tumor had even caused one of her lungs to collapse, explaining her prolonged illness and relentless coughing.

Despite the devastating diagnosis, Shayla and her dad made a courageous decision. They continued with their dinner plans, but in the hospital instead of a restaurant. Little did they know that they would spend countless meals together in the pediatric oncology unit at Fairfax Hospital.

A Journey Filled with Brave Battles

Shayla was diagnosed with advanced Hodgkin’s lymphoma, and her prognosis was grim. Tom, being the loving father he is, sought to show Shayla that she would always have his unwavering support. He bought matching bracelets for them both, promising to wear his every day until Shayla beat cancer.

Over the next few years, Tom stood by Shayla’s side during countless tests, blood transfusions, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and even a cardiac arrest. He experienced the agony of watching his daughter endure physical pain, but their bond grew stronger with every challenge they faced together.

The Power of a Heartbreaking Conversation

Eventually, the doctors had to accept that they couldn’t do anything more for Shayla. Her body was no longer responding to treatment, and a bone marrow transplant had failed. The weight of having to tell his daughter that she was going to die was almost unbearable for Tom.

But in a heartwrenching yet beautiful conversation, Tom found the strength to talk to Shayla about the inevitable. He shared his fear but also his unwavering love and support. And in return, Shayla whispered the words that touched Tom’s heart: “Am I still brave, Dad?”

A Bittersweet Farewell

A few days later, Shayla passed away, leaving Tom utterly devastated. But amidst his grief, Tom held onto one undeniable truth: Shayla had fought with unwavering strength and courage until the end. She had fulfilled her promise and remained brave, not just for herself, but for her loving father.

Honoring Shayla and Other Brave Children

Shayla’s story is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the power of love. Let us share this incredible journey to honor Shayla and all the other brave children who have lost their lives to cancer. Together, we can raise awareness and support those who continue to fight.