Being a vegan may not always be easy. It can sometimes complicate your life in unexpected ways, as Amie-Beth Stedman experienced firsthand. Living in Essex, England, she was excited about a night out with a friend. They wanted to go somewhere with good vibes, so they chose a local restaurant called Sheesh. The only problem? Stedman is a vegan, and Sheesh is a barbecue restaurant. You can probably guess where this story is headed.

Stedman had previously tried going to Sheesh and attempted to order some side items. This is typically how she orders her food since she enjoys mixing and matching smaller items from the menu. However, during her previous visit, the restaurant declined to allow her to only order from the sides. Learning from this experience, she decided to call ahead this time to see if they could accommodate her. Little did she know, this would only lead to further disappointment.

Explaining her situation to the restaurant, Stedman hoped they would understand and allow her to order some of the sides. However, the response she received was far from accommodating. The employee on the other end of the line said, “I don’t even know why a vegan would want to come to our restaurant anyway.” Not only did they refuse to cater to vegans, but they also displayed a shocking level of rudeness.

Frustrated by her experience, Stedman decided to document it in a video and share it on TikTok. She wanted to inform people that Sheesh not only lacked vegan options but also treated her poorly. Her video garnered a lot of support, with many commenters agreeing that any restaurant should be vegan-friendly in this day and age.

While being a vegan can sometimes present challenges, it’s important to remember that there are also many restaurants and establishments that strive to cater to all dietary preferences. Let’s hope that more places embrace inclusivity and recognize the growing demand for vegan options in the future.