In the late 1940s, a heartbreaking image circulated in newspapers across the United States. It depicted four children who were up for sale. Lucille Chalifoux and her husband, Ray, were facing unemployment and eviction, and they felt that they had no other choice. However, there is more to this story than meets the eye. As the years went by, the children had the opportunity to share their own experiences and shed light on what really happened.

A Heartbreaking Image

On August 5, 1948, an advertisement appeared in the Vidette-Messenger in Valparaiso, Indiana. It featured a distraught mother with her four young children seated next to her on the steps. A sign beside them read, “4 children for sale. Inquire within.” The ad quickly spread to newspapers across the country, generating attention and concern. The children in the photo were Lana, aged 6, Rae, aged 5, Milton, aged 4, and Sue Ellen, aged 2. Little did they know that their lives were about to change forever.

The Children’s Stories

The children have very few memories of their birth mother or the circumstances surrounding the photo. However, as they grew older, they began to piece together their personal stories. It became clear that Lucille’s decision to put them up for sale may not have been solely due to desperation. Each child has a unique and sometimes tumultuous story that they have shared with one another, except for Lana, who passed away in 1998.

Getting to Know Each Other

Although they were unable to connect with their oldest sister, Lana, the other siblings, Rae and Milton, had the opportunity to spend time together as they grew older. They formed a bond and supported each other throughout their lives. It was clear to them that the circumstances they had experienced were far from ordinary.

Rae’s Struggles

After being sold for a mere $2, Rae, whose name was changed to Beverly, and her brother Milton (now Kenneth) were sent to live with a couple named John and Ruth Zoeteman in DeMotte, Indiana. Rae recalls that Lucille sold her to have money for bingo because the man she was involved with didn’t want anything to do with her children. Rae’s life with the Zoetemans was difficult, to say the least. She was sent away to Michigan after becoming pregnant due to a rape and was separated from her daughter, who was put up for adoption. Rae describes the home she grew up in as “loveless” and “abusive,” with little affection from her adoptive father.

Reconnecting With the Past

Years later, Rae was able to reunite with Lucille briefly, but she felt no love from her mother. Despite the hardships she endured, Rae persevered and eventually connected with her siblings through social media. Her son, Lance Gray, played a crucial role in helping her establish these connections.

Milton’s Journey

Milton’s childhood was also filled with challenges. He suffered abuse from his adoptive parents and was even treated as a slave. His adoptive father would lock him in a barn and only provide him with peanut butter and milk to survive. In a misguided attempt to discipline and control him, Milton was subjected to such mistreatment. Fortunately, he eventually found a better living situation with his aunt and uncle, who provided stability and support. Milton’s life took many twists and turns, including a battle with schizophrenia, but he eventually settled down in Tuscon, Arizona.

Meeting Lucille

Like his sister Rae, Milton reconnected with Lucille many years after being sold. However, the reunion was far from what he had hoped for. After a fight between Milton and Lucille’s husband led to an arrest, Lucille chose her husband’s side and kicked Milton out. It was a painful reminder that his birth mother never truly loved him and showed no remorse for selling him.

Sue Ellen’s Adoption

Sue Ellen, the youngest of the siblings, believed that she was adopted by a couple named Johnson. She had no records of her adoption, but she felt that she had been legally placed with her new family. Unfortunately, Sue Ellen passed away in 2013 due to lung disease. Before her passing, she was able to reunite with Rae and express her love for her sister. However, she harbored intense feelings of resentment towards their biological mother.

The Youngest Brother

David, the youngest brother, was not one of the children for sale. Instead, he was taken from Lucille and placed under the care of the McDaniels, who were unable to have children of their own. David’s adoption records indicate that his biological father had left the family and had a criminal record. It was undoubtedly a difficult start to life for him.

The story of the ‘children for sale’ has left a lasting impact on these siblings. Through their shared experiences, they have gained a deeper understanding of their past and the reasons behind their separation. While they cannot change the past, they have found solace in connecting with one another and sharing their stories.