The internet is an amazing tool that provides limitless information. It’s a bottomless well of shared knowledge and one of the greatest inventions of recent centuries. Whatever you want to learn or know, you can find it online. Mysteries that were once unsolvable can now be solved with just a few clicks.

Over the years, the internet has helped debunk old myths and share life-hacks and helpful hints. It has become a source of common knowledge for everyone, not just a select few. For example, have you ever wondered why your underwear ends up with bleach-like stains? Many women have asked this question online, and they found the answer.

Contrary to what some may think, the cause of these “bleach” patches on your underwear has nothing to do with your washing machine. Reports claim that it’s actually a result of the natural pH levels of the vagina. But don’t worry, this is completely normal and healthy.

pH levels determine the acidity or alkalinity of a liquid or substance. According to one helpful post on Twitter, the acidic nature of the vagina, with a pH range of 3.8-4.5, can cause lighter patches in a woman’s underwear. So, it’s time to abandon the notion that it’s a result of poor hygiene. In fact, a healthy vagina is one that can bleach the fabric.

Dr. Vanessa MacKay from the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists explains that the vagina has a self-cleaning mechanism through natural secretions. It contains beneficial bacteria that protect it. The usual vaginal pH ranges between 3.8 and 5.0, making it moderately acidic compared to the neutral pH level of 7.

Having clear or white discharge from the vagina is perfectly normal and healthy for women. Disrupting the natural balance can lead to infections. So, it’s important to understand and embrace the natural processes of our bodies.

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