Imagine strolling down the streets of Cooktown, just enjoying a leisurely afternoon with your friends. Suddenly, you turn a corner and see a sign that stops you in your tracks. It reads, ‘Old Timer’s Bar – All drinks 10 cents’. Your eyes meet with your friends’, and you share a moment of disbelief. Could this be real?

Filled with excitement, you and your companions enter the bar, eager to experience what seems too good to be true. As you walk in, you are greeted by a friendly bartender who is ready to take your order. His vibrant voice echoes through the room as he asks, “Come on in and let me pour one for you! What’ll it be, gentlemen?”

Looking around, you notice a fully-stocked bar, showcasing an impressive selection. Each of you decides to indulge in a classic martini, a timeless favorite. The bartender swiftly prepares four iced martinis, shaken to perfection, and places them before you. With a smile, he says, “That’ll be 10 cents each, please.”

You and your friends exchange astonished glances. It’s hard to believe your good fortune. By spending just 40 cents, you have now savored two delicious martinis. Motivated by curiosity, you can’t resist but ask the bartender how he manages to offer such top-quality martinis at such an incredible price.

With a chuckle, the retired tailor from Sydney, who fulfilled his lifelong dream of owning a bar after winning a whopping $25 million in the lottery, reveals his secret. “I decided to make every drink 10 cents because I wanted everyone to enjoy the experience without worrying about the cost. Whether it’s wine, liquor, or beer, it’s all the same price here.”

You and your friends are left in awe of the bartender’s extraordinary story. Sipping on your martinis, you can’t help but notice seven people at the end of the bar who have been there the whole time without ordering anything. Curious, one of you gestures towards them and asks the bartender, “What’s with them?”

The bartender leans in and replies with a mischievous smile, “Oh, they’re all waiting for happy hour when drinks are half price!”

In that moment, you and your friends realize that this bar in Cooktown is not just a hidden gem but also a place where dreams come true. It’s a testament to the unexpected surprises and delightful experiences that life can offer, even in the most unassuming corners of the world.

So, if you ever find yourself in Cooktown, take a stroll down its charming streets and keep an eye out for the Old Timer’s Bar. Who knows what incredible adventures await you within those walls? Cheers to good company, unforgettable stories, and drinks that won’t break the bank!