Officials said that a pregnant Staten Island lady had her unborn baby ripped out and thrown 20 feet in a drunken-driving incident, as her fiancé, the driver, discovered only minutes before court that both had died.

Suspect Adem Nikeziq, 30, sobbed hysterically during his first court appearance when his lawyer revealed that his seven-months-pregnant fiancée and unborn daughter had died.

“No one informed him that his fiancée and child had died,” Nikeziq’s lawyer, Mark Fonte, told The Washington Post outside court. “He found out minutes ago, just before he came out [into the courtroom]. When I told him, he burst into tears and sobbed. He was completely taken aback at first.”

“She was discovered at the crosswalk,” Assistant District Attorney Nicholas Agostino told Judge Raja Rajeswari. “Her amputated leg was discovered 20 feet behind her body. Her unborn kid was discovered 20 feet behind her leg, severed from her body.”

Nikeziq told authorities at the site that another car cut him off before the fatal incident, according to a criminal complaint filed in the case.

“Not every heinous accident reaches the level of criminality,” Fonte explained.

However, prosecutors claim Nikeziq was speeding and weaving through traffic on Hylan Boulevard at 4:45 a.m. when he lost control of his white 2021 Dodge Challenger and crashed into a barrier.

Nikeziq crashed after “a night of drinking,” according to Agostino.

The case will be brought to a grand jury, according to prosecutors.

Nikeziq was ordered jailed on $400,000 cash bail or a $700,000 bond by the judge.

He is scheduled to appear in Staten Island court on Thursday.

The couple’s Buy Buy Baby wishlist stated that they were expecting a baby girl on April 12 and listed many things, including a cot and a Disney mobile.