Ladybugs and Asian lady beetles may look similar, but there are some important differences to be aware of. While ladybugs are harmless and beneficial because they prey on pests, Asian lady beetles can be invasive, bite, and even invade your home in large numbers.

To identify an Asian lady beetle, look for the “M” shape near their head, which ladybugs don’t have. Asian lady beetles have a tendency to enter homes, while ladybugs prefer to stay outside. Additionally, Asian lady beetles leave behind a yellow liquid and can bite, unlike ladybugs.

When the weather gets cooler, Asian lady beetles often seek shelter in homes, making it important to find a solution to deal with them. Fortunately, one Facebook user named Autumn McWhorter shared a simple and effective solution.

Here’s how to create the solution:

  1. In a mason jar, mix two cups of warm water.
  2. Add four tablespoons of sugar and four drops of liquid dish soap.
  3. Stir the mixture well.

Leave the mason jar with the solution sitting out in areas where Asian lady beetles are commonly found. The beetles will be attracted to the solution and once they enter the jar, they won’t be able to escape.

If you’re tired of dealing with annoying Asian lady beetles invading your home, give this quick, inexpensive, and effective hack a try. Thanks to Autumn for sharing this great tip!