If you find these scary-looking insects in your home, here's what it means

Bugs in the home are a common occurrence, especially during the summer months. While some pests are tolerable, there are others that can make even the bravest among us shudder. Take earwigs, for example.

Earwigs are small insects that may have made their way into your home without you even realizing it. Although they may look menacing, they are actually harmless. However, most people would prefer not to have a bunch of earwigs crawling around their living spaces. If you’re one of them, keep reading for a clever hack to keep these critters at bay.

Facebook user Alicia Alexander recently shared a method that she found effective in dealing with earwigs. She suggests filling a shallow bowl with half a cup of olive oil and placing it in your backyard or on your deck.

According to Alicia, the earwigs are attracted to the sweetness of the olive oil. Once they climb into the bowl, they are unable to climb out again. After less than 24 hours, Alicia managed to catch a significant number of earwigs using this method.

Earwigs trapped in olive oil

And after 36 hours, the bowl was filled with even more trapped earwigs.

More earwigs trapped in olive oil

So, if you’re dealing with an earwig infestation, this simple hack could be the ideal solution for you!

While we don’t want to cause unnecessary worry, an unusual amount of earwigs in your home could indicate issues with rotting wood. Earwigs are attracted to rotting wood and can infest it. Therefore, it’s essential to check any wooden structures in your home if you notice an increase in earwig activity.

However, if earwigs are seeking shelter in your house for warmth, there’s no need to be alarmed. Their presence is normal and unlikely to have any adverse effects on you or your home.

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