Meet Ryder Wells, a courageous little boy who has faced unimaginable horror at just five years old. In 2015, while visiting family for Thanksgiving, Ryder was brutally attacked by two rottweilers. Despite the odds stacked against him, Ryder survived the attack but not without enduring severe injuries. He lost half of his face, had his teeth crushed, and suffered a broken arm and punctured lung. Since then, he has undergone approximately 50 surgeries to rebuild his shattered life.

Ryder's Journey

However, instead of receiving the love and support he deserves, Ryder now faces cruel comments from both children and adults. One heartbroken parent, Brittany, shared the painful reality her son experiences. When Ryder started school, even the adults couldn’t help but stare at him. At the park, a child went so far as to point and scream “monster” before running away. During a recent shopping trip, someone shouted “ew” at him. It’s devastating for Brittany and Ryder to realize that after everything he’s been through, not everyone is kind to him just because of his appearance.

Ryder's Determination

But Ryder is a fighter. He doesn’t let anything hold him back. His incredible survival is often described as a “miracle.” Even doctors doubted his chances, but this little warrior defied all expectations. Now, his 31-year-old mom, Brittany, worries about Ryder starting school. She has noticed that he tries to hide his face by wearing glasses and a cap and sometimes hangs his head in shame. However, she reassures him every day that he is beautiful. She wants him to know that being different is not only okay but also something to be celebrated.

Raising Awareness

As a concerned parent, Brittany wants to raise awareness about the harmful effects of bullying on individuals with facial disfigurements. She hopes that sharing Ryder’s story will make people think twice before judging others based on their appearance. Let’s teach our children to embrace diversity, not single out those who look different, and to be kind. By doing so, we can help children like Ryder live the happy lives they deserve. Please share this story and show your love for Ryder, letting him know that he is beautiful both inside and out.

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