A heartwarming story has captured the attention of the internet, featuring a Las Vegas family’s emotional reactions on their son’s first day of preschool. Mary and Samajee Harper were caught off-guard by their own emotions as they dropped off their 3-year-old son, Isaiah, for his first day at school.

Leading up to this special day, Mary knew that she would be emotional, so she made sure that Isaiah started on a day that both she and her husband could attend the drop-off. Isaiah, filled with anticipation, had been practicing his teacher’s name and learning about typical school rules. As Mary prepared him for school, she couldn’t help but feel overwhelmed with emotion. Samajee, too, was emotional but managed to keep it together before they brought Isaiah to preschool.

Once the video starts rolling, it becomes clear that both parents were shedding tears as they sat back in the car after drop-off. Mary, who regularly records videos for TikTok and YouTube, wanted to capture the reality of sending a child off to school. She had no idea that Samajee would be that emotional. The scene was both adorable and funny, prompting Mary to start laughing at their shared emotional moment.

Throughout the day, Mary and Samajee hoped that Isaiah was feeling safe and loved in his new environment. Mary prayed for him to be a good listener and make friends. When Isaiah returned home, he excitedly shared about his first day, expressing his love for the playground and his new teacher. He was already looking forward to going back to school again.

A few weeks have passed, and so far, things have been amazing for the Harper family. Isaiah has developed a wonderful bond with his teacher and shares stories about everything he’s learning. As an only child, he enjoys playing alone, but he’s also making friends. Mary appreciates the pictures and updates the school provides throughout the day, which puts her mind at ease.

Mary and Samajee also have some advice for parents who are going through this significant milestone with their own children. They emphasize the importance of doing what’s best for your child.

Take the time to research and find teachers and caregivers you trust completely. Communication with the teachers is key, as well as talking with your child about their day. And remember, it does get easier!