Are you ready for a heartwarming story? Meet Velcro, a 10-year-old senior dog who spent over two years in a shelter before finding his perfect match. And guess what? His new mom, Jeanette, is a fellow senior citizen!

Velcro, originally named Beluga, arrived at Austin Pets Alive! (APA) in 2022, eager to find his forever family. However, his special needs made it challenging to find the right adopter. Velcro is partially deaf, partially blind, and has neurological and mobility issues. He needed a calm and slow-paced home, preferably a single-story one.

After waiting for what felt like an eternity, Velcro’s luck changed in February when Jeanette walked into the shelter. She was looking for a docile and loving companion after her two dogs passed away. Little did she know that she would find her perfect match in Velcro.

Something about Velcro’s tilted head and soulful eyes caught Jeanette’s attention. She couldn’t resist getting to know him better. And as soon as they spent time together, Jeanette felt an instant connection. Velcro’s special needs only made her want to spoil him even more.

With Jeanette’s love and care, Velcro bloomed. His reserved nature melted away, and he became more personable. Even though he still behaves like a sedate old gentleman, he now trots around the backyard, something the shelter staff had never seen him do. Thanks to Jeanette, Velcro’s true personality shines through.

And the fun doesn’t stop there! Jeanette is dedicated to spoiling Velcro. He has large dog beds scattered throughout their home, and he never misses out on sunbathing. Velcro receives a constant flow of pats, praise, and his favorite treats, Pup-Peroni. The two of them also enjoy leisurely strolls in the woods, immersing themselves in the fresh air.

Wherever Jeanette goes, Velcro follows just two feet behind. They are inseparable. Jeanette’s home has always been a haven for dogs, and she firmly believes that senior dogs deserve a chance at love and companionship. Velcro’s adoption story is proof that older pets bring immeasurable joy to our lives.

Jeanette hopes that her story will inspire others, especially seniors, to consider adopting senior pets. Having a senior dog means you don’t have to keep up with their energetic antics, and they provide unwavering companionship.

Yes, saying goodbye to a senior pet is undoubtedly heartbreaking, but the joy and love they bring are worth every moment. Jeanette encourages everyone to be prepared for the inevitable and cherish the time they have with their furry friends.

Let’s celebrate Velcro’s incredible journey and the bond between a senior dog and his senior mom. It’s a testament to the power of love and the magic of second chances.