Tipping has always been a topic of conversation, and with the rise of social media, the debate has only intensified. A recent incident on TikTok has further fueled the controversy. Let’s take a closer look at the matter and consider where you stand.

In a now-deleted video, server Lillie shared her perspective on tipping. She emphasized that, due to her low hourly rate, the majority of her income comes from tips. Lillie pointed out that restaurants deliberately keep menu prices lower, relying on patrons’ tips to make up the difference. She boldly stated, “You don’t deserve to eat out if you can’t afford to tip.”

Lillie drew a parallel to hiring a nanny and raised the issue of cost. Shouldn’t we hesitate to dine out if we can’t afford to tip the full amount, just as we would reconsider hiring a nanny without proper pay? Her statement sparked a heated debate among viewers.


@The Bereaved Mom (lillie) believes that if you can’t afford to tip 20%, you shouldn’t eat out. #exposednow #tiktok #tipping #serverproblems #server #servertiktok #tippingservers

♬ original sound – Exposed Now

Opinions on Lillie’s stance were divided. Some criticized her statement, viewing it as entitlement, and suggested that individuals seek alternative employment if their income isn’t sufficient.

On the other hand, many people echoed Lillie’s viewpoint and shared their own stories of being underpaid. They stressed that leaving a gratuity improves the overall dining experience.

What are your thoughts on this hot-button issue? When dining out, should those unable to leave a 20% tip reconsider? We’d love to hear your opinion in the comments below!